Top Tips


How to Effectively Work From Home with Kids

For the past six months, most of us have spent more time at home than ever before. With school now re-opened, many of us have to adjust again by shifting our

September 22, 2020

Organize Your Garage

Though the garage can seem like a daunting place to begin, its time to get to work! Organizing your garage can create more space for storing lesser used items, sports equipment, bulk and

September 17, 2020

How To Organize Your Pantry and Maximize Your Space

How To Reorganize Your PantryIf you have a pantry that needs a bit of organization (we all do!), right now is a great time to get started.  With various holidays

September 16, 2020

Celebrate National Read A Book Day by Organizing Your At-Home Library

If quarantine has led you to read more books than usual, you may have accumulated quite a collection. Combine that with an already existing library, your books are probably laying

September 6, 2020

How to keep your mudroom organized

-Large spaces are great for installing a storage bench, a functional furniture option thatserves a dual purpose! Remember to optimize the storage. Many come with hooks, cubbies, shelves or space for baskets. The surface on top also

September 1, 2020

How to easily keep School Supplies Organized

1) Have fun with personalized pencil cases. Inexpensive plastic pencil cases are a great way to store everyday supplies.  Allow your kids to decorate the pencil case! Personalizing supplies can promote kids’ creativity and make them excited about learning! 2) Stay

August 25, 2020

Getting ready for the new school year

Tips for creating the ideal HOME LEARNING SPACE: 1) Choose a designated learning space. Having your child face a wall is a great way to increase their focus. On this wall, create an interactive learning environment. Hang a cork/dry

August 11, 2020

Taking baby steps can help when tackling overwhelming spaces

You have to start somewhere… Completing just one small task every day is a step in the right direction... continuity is key!The process of organizing is not about following a “perfect” formula; it’s

July 3, 2020

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