Color-Coding Your Wardrobe

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For our last installment in our color series, we’re turning our focus towards your wardrobe! Color-coding is an excellent way to organize your clothing, as well as making it look attractive in your closet. So, without further ado, here are some tips to get started.
Plus, for even more organizing tips, click here!
1. Purge!
First things first, it’s time to get rid of any clothes that you no longer wear. While this is a challenge for many, your wardrobe space will expand, as well as making it easier to organize what you do love. Take out all of the clothes in your closet and divide them into piles of “keep”, “store for later” and “donate”.

2. Try the rainbow method
Hang your clothing in this order: white, tan, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, gray and black. This allows you to sort items visually while creating harmony in your space. If you’re more into neutrals, you can create an ombré effect from white to black.

3. Maintain it 
Now that your wardrobe is color-coded, maintaining it is easy. As the seasons change, swap out items and replace them with those in storage. If your rainbow’s looking a little rusty, it may be a sign that it’s time to purge again. Remember, sometimes less is more—especially when it comes to creating a sleek, functional wardrobe. 

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