Collecting Donations? Here’s Our Advice

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Our Tips for Preparing Your Donations:

With everyone stuck at home, spring cleaning has risen to the top of many people’s to do list.  Whether it’s organizing and purging closets, sorting paperwork, or going through old toys and games, the donations are piling up and so is the uncertainty of where they can go! 

Our #1 suggestion is to collect your donations into bags or boxes and set them aside in an out of the way space in your home, to store them until the stay at home guidelines are lifted.  Whether it’s the attic, basement, or garage, any space that is easy to access and safe from the elements will do. 

–Use tape and a marker to label what’s inside the bags and boxes.  This will make it easy to differentiate your donations when they are ready to go out!

–Most donation pick-ups restrict items to pieces that can be lifted by one person.  If you have very large items, that may not meet the standards for furniture donation locations, contact your town’s sanitation department for bulk pick-up guidelines.  Sanitation is still in service!

** If a location near you *is* accepting donations, chances are you don’t need to disinfect your items in advance.  Make sure to check with your donation location, however, if they are accepting at this time, they are most likely disinfecting all items upon receipt. 
**Swing by your local donation drop boxes, they may be open.
While many physical donation locations are closed at this time, ALL currently state that financial donations are the way to make the greatest impact at this time.

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