October 5 is National Consignment Day, and if you’re looking for any excuse to purge an overflowing closet, we’ve found it. One of the services we offer at 123organize decluttering. With expertise in this field, we highly recommend the following steps to simplify your life. 1. Go through your closet and take inventory of what you have already and any duplicates that exist. Some duplicates are necessary, especially staples in your closet. If you wear certain items often, it makes sense to have more than one. However, if you rarely wear an item, having multiples just clutters up your space. Consider donating or consigning what is not being used. 2. Keep track of items you have not worn over a year. Some items, specifically formal wear may only come out for special occasions so, these are exceptions to the rule. If the items falls into the category of every day wear such as jeans and sweaters and it hasn’t been warn in over a year, it is likely you won’t wear it again. Consign it! 3. Separate your piles into the following: probationary items/items you want to keep for a few more months before deciding, items you want to consign, and items you want to donate. Place your probationary items towards the forefront of your closet so you remember to wear them. If you’re still not wearing them 2-3 months later, it’s time to purge. For items you want to donate or consign, choose which ones consignment shops are likely to take. You may put all items in the consignment pile, and take the ones stores don’t want and donate those. However, if you know you cannot consign certain items (maybe they are children’s clothes that a consignment shop would refuse), place them in a pile to be donated. |

Kids’ Room Organization: Tips for a Tidy, Functional Space
Keeping your child’s room organized doesn’t have to be a daily struggle. With some creative strategies and kid-friendly solutions, you can transform their space into